From Incarceration to Opportunity

Willie Fleming

Incarcerated Artist

Looking to connect to and collaborate with writers, social conscious advocates for the repealing of life without parole and the death sentence. Need help marketing books and ideas. Gender-neutral opportunity. Hit me up with Jpay


58 years old
48-year sentence for agg robbery/ assault on public servant
Parole eligibility date: 10/01/2034
If you are reading my profile, then you just finished reading one of my poems- 1 am a serious writer who is committed to writing social solutions to social problems. I am committed to being successful in spite of my incarceration and I thrive off of love, positive energy, creativity and like-minded people who are fighting mass incarceration and the dehumanization that the least of us in America deal with every day.
I am looking for friends of human origin!! Especially writers and producers I have already written one Best seller from Prison that has a global message and I planning to do ten more Join me.
I am a Spiritualist who loves the diversity of the human family I am a nerd who loves knowledge, science, anthropology, politics and especially orphans.
I am not going anywhere soon!!! I look to meet long term writing friends. I am in need of writing partners for future projects that offers solutions to social problems. Contact me if you are interested.

Thank You.
Willie Fleming
2664 F.F. 2054

Free Taylor

Free Taylor

Taylor is serving LWOP since the age of 20 he is rehabilitated, we ask for a release date. Sign this Petition What is this petition about? by Taylor Conley Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support. I have some news I would like to share with you. My...

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