Artificial Intelligence: What Everyone Needs to Know by Jerry Kaplan
Artificial Intelligence: What Everyone Needs to Know by Jerry Kaplan
A comprehensive yet accessible guide to AI, discussing its history, capabilities, and societal impacts.
Can a machine be held accountable for its actions? Should intelligent systems enjoy independent rights and responsibilities, or are they simple property? Who should be held responsible when a self-driving car kills a pedestrian? Can your personal robot hold your place in line, or be compelled to testify against you? If it turns out to be possible to upload your mind into a machine, is that still you? The answers may surprise you.
A comprehensive yet accessible guide to AI, discussing its history, capabilities, and societal impacts.
Can a machine be held accountable for its actions? Should intelligent systems enjoy independent rights and responsibilities, or are they simple property? Who should be held responsible when a self-driving car kills a pedestrian? Can your personal robot hold your place in line, or be compelled to testify against you? If it turns out to be possible to upload your mind into a machine, is that still you? The answers may surprise you.
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