Drama equals ratings, and that’s mostly what you see on the show Love After Lockup, and Life After Lockup. But the clips you see edited together for TV doesn’t accurately represent a person as a whole.

Lizzie Kommes is one of the most memorable stars of that show. A prison chick who’s to known hustle men for cash and use it to fund her heroin addiction. It made for good TV, and yes, it’s true, but it is such a small portrayal of who she really is.
Lizzie Kommes is charming, funny, sweet and clean from her addiction. She lives a normal life in the Midwest. Once a stripper, she now works plastics factory driving a forklift.
When she’s not working, she is going to school. She has almost completed her degree to become a drug and alcohol counselor. To help save people from living the life that she led.
Lizzie Kommes made be living an ordinary life, but she is no ordinary person. Her laughter is contagious, and you can’t help but smile while speaking with her.
Although some people tend to pass judgment on her and her mistakes, those mistakes do not define who she is as a person.

She is full of strength and perseverance. While in prison Lizzie Kommes spent almost 10 years using. In an environment that one would think would be safe from drugs, drugs run just as rampant in prison as they do on the streets.
Being in that situation would be hard for any person to handle and addicts are easily susceptible to use drugs as a coping mechanism. Many people have never experienced the battle of an opiate addiction. The way it holds on to you and doesn’t let go. It takes many people extensive treatment to get over this addiction. It requires even the strongest of people to be isolated from the drug in order to quit. Lizzie did this on her own while still incarcerated.
Lizzie Kommes found the strength of God and says God took her addiction away. It came to her in a dream of the Devil tempting her, and her resisting that temptation.
Listen to this amazing interview to get a candid look at this reality tv star without the drama of the show. You will also hear more about her dream that took away her addiction. Even how she travels to hell frequently.
Check out Lizzie Kommes animated podcast below.
If you prefer hearing the audio version you can on Spotify Or on Apple Music. You can also find the podcast on any of your favorite platforms.