From Incarceration to Opportunity

How to win free stuff

Aug 12, 2020 | Wife of a Lifer | 0 comments

Written By designedconviction

Win Free Stuff with Designed Conviction, every Saturday 6:00 pm Pacific

You heard it right, we are giving free stuff to one lucky winner every Saturday, come and join us live on Youtube to win cash and prizes.

This week featured artwork is a painting for Kim Kardashian and her family, including Kayne West, lol, I promise, Taylor started working on it way before we even knew what was really going on with them. Our hope is to give this painting to her with a note. To tell her about what we are doing, our vision, mission, and goals. Yes I know, she probably gets a lot of free stuff from many fans… that is why we are asking for your help to share this video in hopes of getting her attention. I guess the reason why Taylor made this present for her is self-explanatory. She is doing what the big majority of celebrities and people or power don’t. She not only cares, but she also does something about it.

Prison reform is definitely overdue in this country. Anyways, this week I am sharing with your our first live session, which we hosted on Saturday on 8/8; I invite you to tune in every Saturday at 6 pm pacific to win cash and prizes. During the footage, we talk about our social enterprise, what we are about, and comment on our latest magazine which features Dave Dahl, from Dave’s killer bread. I am very proud to be running this social enterprise, we have been changing the narrative about incarceration since 2018. We have a lot going on, and I can’t wait to share it with you guys.

P.S: If you have a loved one incarcerated, I want to share your story, please contact me on Instagram as @wifeofalifer or Facebook: Wife of a Lifer, or my website Do not forget to stop by

By the way, here is the list of WordPress websites I have created during the pandemic: .. and more in the works… yes, I love to make websites… and again.. you can win a free website with a free domain and hosting for a year, come and join us every Saturday.

Written By designedconviction

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