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Incarcerated at the age of 16 to Life without parole

The Interview Cecilia interviews Jose Armendariz, a man incarcerated at the age of 16. From child to a man, Jose has turned his life around. His testimony My name is Jose Armendariz. I am a 30-year-old Mexican and Salvadoran-American man....

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Life on the Outside – Unbelievable Stories of Redemption

Every day we fight against the wrongs of society, fighting for change.  We raise our voice and we speak out for what we believe in. We stand up for ourselves and others who face prejudice. We tell our stories and through those stories, we ignite compassion and...

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Surviving Covid-19 in Prison

As Covid-19 sweeps the nation bringing a bit of fear and dread in our lives, those of us that are free from confinement stand a better chance than those behind bars. Covid-19 in prison has spread like wildfire behind those walls and fences. Social distancing and...

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Fresh Out Series by Big Herc, Advocate of the Incarcerated

As of 2016 2.3 million people are incarcerated in the United States. These numbers are continuing to grow each year as our prison system has a revolving door of individuals that aren’t being properly rehabilitated, given the proper job skills or education to get by in...

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