In this provocative and thought-provoking piece by Garrick Hastings, the artwork is dominated by a red background with splatters of white and black, creating a raw and intense energy. The central figure is a distorted interpretation of the Vitruvian Man, overlaid with an eye-pyramid symbol, evoking themes of divine supremacy, enlightenment, and self-realization. The bold, chaotic text—”SUPREME,” “DIVINE,” “WAKE,” and “EVOLVE”—surrounds the figure, contributing to the piece’s message of personal awakening and empowerment. The word “I AM” placed across the figure’s body underscores the concept of self-affirmation and the power of identity. The dramatic contrast and abstract elements suggest both chaos and transformation, inviting the viewer to reflect on the journey of self-discovery and evolution.


Worthy by Eren Manuel

Worthy by Eren Manuel

In this powerful and emotive illustration by Eren Manuel, the figure is surrounded by a vibrant and colorful aura, with striking blue hair and green eyes full of sorrow and strength. The character's face is adorned with various piercings, and their tears are...

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Portrait of a Woman by Paul Thorsteinson

Portrait of a Woman by Paul Thorsteinson

In this evocative and minimalistic portrait by Paul Thorsteinson, the image of a woman is captured with stark contrasts and fluid brushstrokes. The figure is painted in muted tones, with an emphasis on the delicate features of her face, which are highlighted through...

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The Keeper of Secrets by Paul Thorsteinson

The Keeper of Secrets by Paul Thorsteinson

This compelling drawing by Paul Thorsteinson portrays a cloaked figure with their face hidden in shadow, holding a locked book chained to their body. The figure’s posture conveys a sense of solemnity and mystery, suggesting they are the guardian of hidden knowledge or...

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