Hello and welcome to another edition of Inside Designed Conviction the Magazine. Thank you to all those who participated in the art contest this year and in previous years. Our vision has always been to get exposure and recognition to individuals creating positive works of art, sharing them with the world.

This year, we can finally hold the annual art exhibit in person at the prestigious Portland Art Museum. The stage is set, and we are ready to put the collection on display. With the world shutting down, it stunted the growth of this Social Enterprise, however, it hasn’t stifled the evolution of progress. We’ve carried on, investing tens of thousands of dollars of our own money to keep things moving forward. We are continuing to publish your amazing works to fulfill the promise of our mission: To bridge the gap between prison and society.

If you have participated in our art contest, you should be excited. This year in collaboration with X Con Inc, we will be purchasing Christmas presents for children of the incarcerated with proceeds from the Exhibit. Thank you so much for your support. If you aren’t already subscribing to this publication, look forward to new opportunities every quarter. By participating in this pro-social community and contributing, you are a part of social change. We have never raised our rates since the beginning. We will continue to honor those rates into 2023, keeping our prices low and affordable.

Much Love and Respect, keep your head up and stay strong while continuing forward progress.


2022 Annual Art Exhibit

Every show will promote the artist’s work and be dedicated to supporting a cause by working with a charity. As the community evolves, we will be able to provide more opportunities.
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A Journey of Necessity

You can earn parole, even as a lifer, but it requires the hardest work of your life every single day. You must dig deep, find the darkness inside, and rid yourself of it. You must search out the things you buried and hid away and bring them to the surface so you can face them and overcome them.

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